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Valsad Urban Region Population 2011 - 2024

As per data released by Govt. of India for Census 2011, Valsad is an Urban Agglomeration coming under category of Class I UAs/Towns. Valsad city is governed by Municipality and is situated in Valsad Urban Region.

The total population of Valsad UA/Metropolitan region is 170,060. The male population of which is 86,897 while female population is 83,163.

Valsad Population 2023 - 2024

Population of Valsad city in 2024 is approximately 239,000. The last census was conducted in 2011 and the schedule census for Valsad Metropolitian region in 2021 was postponed due to Covid. The current estimates of Valsad urban area is based on past growth rate. Once govt conducts census for Valsad region, we will update the same on this page in 2024.

Valsad Literacy Rate

The literacy rate of Valsad Agglomeration is 91.66% which is higher than National Urban average of 85 %. Literacy rate for male and female for Valsad stood at 94.62 % and 88.58 % respectively. Total literates in Valsad UA were 142,208 of which males were 74,745 and remaining 67,463 were females.

Valsad Child Population

The children (0-6 age) population of Valsad UA is around 8.77 % of total Valsad UA population which is lower than National Urban average of 10.93 %. Total children in Valsad Urban region were 14,911 of which male were 7,906 while remaining 7,005 childs were female.

Valsad Sex Ratio

The sex ratio of female to male in Valsad UA was found higher with figure of 957 females against national urban average of 926 females per 1000 males. For children (0-6 age), girls were 886 per 1000 boys in Valsad Urban region against national average of 902 girls per 1000 boys.

Valsad Population 2011 Census

Urban Agglomeration Valsad
Government Urban Agglomeration
UA Type Class I UAs/Towns
State Gujarat
Valsad UA Total Male Female
Population 170,060 86,897 83,163
Literates 142,208 74,745 67,463
Children (0-6) 14,911 7,906 7,005
Average Literacy (%) 91.66 % 94.62 % 88.58 %
Sexratio 957
Child Sexratio 886

Valsad Metropolitan Region Future Population 2021-2031

Metropolitan Population
2011 170,060
2021 221,000
2022 227,000
2023 233,000
2024 239,000
2025 246,000
2026 253,000
2027 260,000
2028 267,000
2029 275,000
2030 283,000
2031 291,000

Valsad Region - Cities & Towns

Valsad UA has following cities under it.
City Population
Valsad (Municipality) 114,636

Towns with population less than 1 Lakh

Town Type Population
Bhagdakhurd Out Growth 3,322
Bhagdawada Census Town 12,291
Kosamba Out Growth 12,909
Nanakwada Census Town 10,172
Pardi Sondhpur Census Town 7,833
Segvi (Part) Out Growth 2,948
Tithal Out Growth 2,464
Valsad Out Growth 1,618
Vashiyar Out Growth 1,867